My First Post :)

Engagement Pics <3Hey guys, well this is my first official blog post & I am super excited to share my story & hear many of yours. I am always here to talk & listen to anyone who has been in a similar situation or just needs someone to talk to. I have to admit talking about relationships & all that comes with it is fun; it’s like a good version of “drama”. Well, as an engaged same sex couple my life is just a tad bit unique & I absolutely love every minute of it. After having friends, family & sometimes people I hardly know comment on my relationship & “how happy” we look, I decided to start a blog because I am so blessed to say i am the happiest I’ve ever been ! Choosing to move out at 16 wasn’t the easy at all. After two years of being absolutely heartbroken & hiding my depression behind partying and my so called “beautiful smile”…I had literally given up on the idea of “love”;

To me it was completely crazy that the person I least expected not only decided to end her unhealthy relationship to be with me, but also decided to change her entire life just to prove how bad she wanted to be with me. It wasn’t easy at all, I had trust issues, I had just got over a terrible heartbreak, I had lost my job as a Kindergarten Teacher, & to make it worse crashed my car.

I was skeptical at first but with time, hours of conversations & texts & her amazing way to make me smile about everything caught me. I had a chance at “love” I had the change to fix all my mistakes; I just knew what it took this time around. I told myself I would never go through the pain I went through again. & she had all the same intensions. With time & lots of talking we have build such a strong bond; something that can never be broken. She has become my best friend, lover & #1supporter.  I am blessed to have such an amazing fiancé.

I am finally with someone who makes me feel beautiful every single day, someone who never gives up on me. I admit, I am a tough cookie, but totally worth it.

Well this is my first official post, I have been writing for about 2 hours lol & I am so tempted to go cuddle with Megan. Let’s just say she’s not use to the whole blogging thing, yet….she is totally supportive. Hope you enjoy 🙂